Friday, February 1, 2013

Backpack and Back to Reality

For a year, I was off with a backpack exploring and traveling. I learned a tremendous amount about simplicity and being happy without materialistic things, but I am now living in Casablanca where image matters. You must dress the part if you want to get people's attention(superficial but true).  In order to dress the part, one would have to have nice, full closet of clothing, which I do not have. This leaves me shopping in Casablanca, which is horrible as we all know by now.

Unfortunately, I do not have all my clothing because previous to traveling I gave away or sold things I could really use.  I like to emphasize that I went from having everything in a wardrobe i.e. clothes, jewelry, shoes, purses, blazers, jackets, boots to TRAVEL GEAR.  Of course, it was my decision to get rid of materialism and choose this life, but I think I went completely overboard giving away expensive scarves, leather jackets, jeans I LOVED, shoes, boots etc.

While I know my decision was a bit radical, I still have to remain proud of myself.  Most people would never be able to do what I did and that builds strength in my character and ability to realize what is truly important in life.  This better helps me, but also helps working in social work. I was able to fully disconnect from all this materialism for a year and it still stays with me today. 
Today, I wear the same outfits instead of buying new ones for going out.  People may see me wearing the same outfit twice and I am okay with it.  I choose the simple fashion route and try to dress elegantly and keep myself covered. I cut down to necessities and things I need like pants, work dresses, and shoes. I do not wear any jewelry, but I do feel naked without my rosaries(must get those replaced perhaps in Spain).  It is a significant improvement, but I should have placed my things in storage for another time...a time like now where I need and want them back. Morocco is not the place to find these things, but the US is the place

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