Saturday, January 26, 2013

God Pushes Me Toward the Good And Away from the Bad

Sometimes, relationships, brief encounters, or interactions end with people who set off God’s spirit inside me.  It feels good meeting these people that are good quality human beings who you can share your thoughts, beliefs, ideas. They provide reassurance and words of hope towards you.  Their smile makes you feel better if you are having a bad day.  Their warm embrace is loving and authentic.  These are the people I choose to spend my time with and the bad people just fade away into the distance.

Giving the label of “bad” people does not mean they are horrible human beings, but perhaps they are just lost, confused, misguided, and engage in behavior I do not want to be around.  For example, someone drinking, smoking, and partying all night is not the person I should be around and God knows this.  This is their lifestyle and this is how they choose to live and I place no judgement against them at all. I just know my life and I know at this time in my life that chapter in my life has closed and it is just best for me to surround myself with good people.

My higher power helps me with this day by day when I feel a bit lost or I just need some guidance.  He presents me with a nice person and we share smiles, ideas, thoughts, career moves, goals, and life purpose. There are certain events or things that happen in my life that I can not 100 percent explain, but God sends me these messages in indirect ways to keep me on the right path.  The one person who never lets me down and I continue to have faith in him.

At the end of the day sometimes faith is all we have left to hold on to… PRIS

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