From a very young age, I would read my horoscope and tune into the many similarities. It was always amazing to me how identical I could be to my actual astrological sign. For some people, this is something "you choose to believe" or it is just made up. This is definitely not the case as I believe there is a true universal connection going on between Priscilla and the, sun, moon, and stars. It is incredible how much my horoscope is similar to my actual plans, goals, thoughts, personality, and character. There is a true universal connection going on between Priscilla and the universe.
My horoscope for 2013 is right on target with what I believe, desire, want, my strengths, and weaknesses. Priscilla is a Leo for Life!

Lucky Jupiter will continue to bring good fortune to your social sector and help you dream big until June. You've been so blessed with the amazing people you've met over the past year who have helped you reach your goals. The second half of the year, you may want to pull back when Jupiter enters your retreat zone. This is a time of dreaming and scheming before launching into the next chapter of your life in 2014. So the first half of the year will continue to be incredibly social, but give yourself permission to come back to a more internal and creative space during the latter part of 2013.
The eclipse patterns of 2013 will shake up both home and career sectors, so get ready for rapid advance and decline in both arenas. Don't get too attached to any of the gains or losses in either of these life departments, as they will constantly be in flux until you reach a healthy middle ground -- and you will!
Career- Save the Best For Last
You continue to build and destroy -- and then build some more -- in your efforts to properly carve out your throne in 2013. Pluto and Uranus will continue their explosive breakthrough dance to release you from any stagnant areas that have kept you locked in dead-end positions. You're ready to take a well-calculated risk in order to assure you're living up to your full potential. Your loyalty and hard work continue to be rewarded with accolades and recognition. You have remained in the shadows long enough. As humbling as the past few years have been, you're ready to shine with full Leo radiance.
A strong and emotionally stable home life is what will support your professional aims this year, Leo. With Saturn taking up residence in your domestic sector until 2015, you're learning the importance of cultivating a serious backbone that serves you in presenting a fierce and magentic public image. You're able to tap into unparalleled resourcefulness now. You're very clear about what you have to offer, and how it is one-of-a-kind and highly valuable. No longer will you doubt your strength or sell yourself short in your work.
Pluto continues to teach you mind-blowing lessons on how to use-or-lose your power when it comes to your career. You can be generous to a fault, and have a tendency to give it all away when you need to keep some for yourself. Only recently are you starting to see how this undermines your power and depletes your resources. It's one thing to give but another to know when to hold something back and allow others to come to you. This is a painful but invalubale lesson. 2013 is your year to receive, Leo!
My horoscope for 2013 is right on target with what I believe, desire, want, my strengths, and weaknesses. Priscilla is a Leo for Life!
Get ready to dig deeply in 2013, Leo. You're going into a phase of complete and total metamorphosis. This will require considerable self-analysis and probing into your past patterns, but all the work will be more than worth it. You're on the verge of discovering just how powerful, strong and resilient you are at your very core. If you have ever doubted your strength, after 2013 you'll never question your resourcefulness again. Saturn, the great karmic lord of trials and tribulations, will be camping out at the base of your horoscope until 2015, so you'll have plenty of time to delve into the depths. Family issues and psychological patterns inherited from your parents will come to the surface this year, making your more aware of -- and able to avoid -- negative patterns. Wake up, Leo! Get ready for a major rebirth.The eclipse patterns of 2013 will shake up both home and career sectors, so get ready for rapid advance and decline in both arenas. Don't get too attached to any of the gains or losses in either of these life departments, as they will constantly be in flux until you reach a healthy middle ground -- and you will!
2013 gives you a strong desire to plant roots. Your heart is looking for the kind of partnership that can endure the long haul. The search and restlessness is finally over, Leo. You know where you want to be and you're ready to anchor yourself long enough to establish a solid routine. Saturn will occupy your domestic sector until 2015, encouraging you to stick to your guns in love. If you're single, you'll be thinking about settling down and possibly even getting married and having a family. If you're already in a long-term relationship, you'll be looking to deepen the foundation and work towards greater levels of passion and intimacy. Your days of being on the prowl for the sake of the thrill are over. You want everlasting love.You continue to build and destroy -- and then build some more -- in your efforts to properly carve out your throne in 2013. Pluto and Uranus will continue their explosive breakthrough dance to release you from any stagnant areas that have kept you locked in dead-end positions. You're ready to take a well-calculated risk in order to assure you're living up to your full potential. Your loyalty and hard work continue to be rewarded with accolades and recognition. You have remained in the shadows long enough. As humbling as the past few years have been, you're ready to shine with full Leo radiance.
A strong and emotionally stable home life is what will support your professional aims this year, Leo. With Saturn taking up residence in your domestic sector until 2015, you're learning the importance of cultivating a serious backbone that serves you in presenting a fierce and magentic public image. You're able to tap into unparalleled resourcefulness now. You're very clear about what you have to offer, and how it is one-of-a-kind and highly valuable. No longer will you doubt your strength or sell yourself short in your work.
Pluto continues to teach you mind-blowing lessons on how to use-or-lose your power when it comes to your career. You can be generous to a fault, and have a tendency to give it all away when you need to keep some for yourself. Only recently are you starting to see how this undermines your power and depletes your resources. It's one thing to give but another to know when to hold something back and allow others to come to you. This is a painful but invalubale lesson. 2013 is your year to receive, Leo!
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