Thursday, January 3, 2013

Another One Bites the Dust

The song, “Another one bites the dust…Another one bites the dust….and another ones gone and another ones gone…another one bites the dust.”
She successfully sabotages her happiness as Mr. Casa breaks up with her when returning from Marrakech on Sunday, October 21 2012.

Mr. Casa and I had hit the fork in the road.  The incident with the Moroccan girl was a mystery, but just one week later we face a break up(a coincidence or an actual happening).The reality was that we hit the cross roads deciding to work on us or run from us the famous “Fight or Flight.”

We had planned to have a "long discussion" when I came back from Marrakech, but that long discussion turned into a "break up." I had mentioned breaking up with him before and I think this lead him to pull a break up reversal and break up with me first. I had thought about us breaking up, but my reasoning being my desire for freedom and independence from such strong feelings.  Even with my words and mentioning breaking up, I never thought it would actually happen until it did.
I am pretty sure I will not find someone like him.  He is the kind of guy that you grab onto, the kind of guy you keep, but I only held on for 1 month and lost him. I just saw Mr. Casa as a constant-someone that would stay by my side with all the bad until I settled in to reach the good or the greatness I can potentially achieve. 
Perhaps it's time to take the leash over my own life and this does not involve a man. 

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