Saturday, February 9, 2013

I'm on My Way.....

Mr. NYC Casa( to give a brief review lesson- Mr. NYC Casa is my past Moroccan boyfriend from New York and Mr. Casa is the one from Casa, and Mr. Bigg is from Turkey. It may seem difficult to keep up with, but only three important men the past 4 years(Mr. Big, Mr. Casa, and Mr. NYC Casa).

Mr. NYC Casa lives in New York, but he also has a home in Casablanca.  He is 38, tall, dark hair, good looking, smart, a cook, a traveler, a writer, and the kind of Moroccan I envision myself being with, but he also a special Moroccan. Our communication was always and a challenge because he was busy working all the time, I rarely saw him in New York, and I just never felt like I could trust him from the beginning.  In New York, we never really had any closure as we just lost touch and with one phone call he is now back in my life.... 

Since December, he says he's "on his way" to Casablanca and it is now February and no Mr. NYC Casa.  He keeps saying he is coming the next week and the next week and the next week. I joke with him that by the time he actually comes it will be summer. While I am looking forward to having a familiar face here in Casa, I know that we will never have a normal relationship because again- he is a special Moroccan.

When I talk with him on the phone, I control myself and stay quite disciplined being friendly and nice, but not crossing over any romantic line. And then there are times where I get excited and I talk to him like I am 10 years old(it happens automatically) It also has an expression I call "just being a girl." I can not help it turning into this "cute, little girl" for a man whom I really like. It just comes out of me and I catch myself immediately after, but it is too late.

While things seems different,as he is following through and sending nice messages, I know his old ways will eventually re-surface and they have a couple times already. While he is actually following through and things seem a bit "different", I still have my doubts and try to hold the lowest expectations possible. Actually, I tell myself, he will never actually come and just forget about it. 

If he does come, there will be some boundaries set up because I am not wasting time with him or with anyone. Maybe I will not see if at all, but I say that and then he calls and I will definitely be curious to see him-it has been 2 years, but I say it right here and right now.
Priscilla is not engaging in a game of tug of war and will not be hurt by him because she does not care. I expect to see him and forget why I liked him in the first place.  This blog only has room for one heart break and that is it!

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