Friday, February 1, 2013

Mc Dows

In the land of Arabia, people call Mc Donalds "McDow." McDonalds is a place I do not like in America, but I happen to like it sometimes in foreign countries because the experiene is always a bit special i.e. they have something new you can not get in the US.  In Europe, the McDonalds are cool and trendy always playing house music and the staff are dressed nicely.
Overall, I do not eat McDonalds, but I do enjoy their icecream from time to time.  For me, it is always funny when people suggest going to McDonalds in Morocco.  McDonalds is the last place I want to go as I love Moroccan food and prefer any food than American, which is just carb heavy and unnecessary for me to eat.  Many suggest McDonalds because they think "Oh she is American and Americans love McDonalds."

I would like to stand up for Americans when I say, "All Americans do not like or eat McDonalds." I knew many Americans that would never eat there even if they were starving. It is all processed "food" and Americans(who enjoy different cuisines other than fast food)do not classify McDonalds as their favorite place to eat.  They just go because it is convenient and they are pretty unavoidable when living in the states. 
Many health food attics are anti-McDonalds and do not like what is represents, like myself I do not like what is represents, especially working with children and families in low income areas addicted to this junk food. The super value menu is cheap and convenient for them to order and their bodies are left deprived on real nutrients. It actually became frustrating the battle with McDonalds. You try to encourage healthy eating habits to kids, but they offer a chicken burger for $1 and a Subway Sandwich for $5. The beauty of American marketing sabotaging your health, but saving you money.  The marketing and the convenience makes it something many Americans just can't say no. But like they teach you in school, "Just say No to Drugs."

                                              JUST SAY NO TO MCDONALDS

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