Friday, February 1, 2013

Time to Write Books, but Where is the Time?

The way I sit down and write for hours and the theories and ideas in my mind- I know it is time to start writing a book. I actually write out Chapters and titles in my head-is is the worst habit not translating it onto paper. Just starting up my business, I have more time, but that time needs to go towards marketing and lesson preparation. 
Often when I was traveling, I thought about just taking a year of moving to Bali and just pure writing- to not be tempted by other thigns, but purely focus on writing. In Casa, I have improved my writing procrastination lately, but it still exists.  I am able to write and make fun posts, but the message is not being clearly and fully expressed. This is where the book comes in, but I don't know where is the time.
Priscilla can build up her business or just live simply while making writing a full priority.  It is difficult to make time. 
If anyone, especially writers, have any suggestions for me-they would be greatly appreciated!! I need a lot of assistance with time management and organization for writing a book.  

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh a book by Priscilla Raj....I'd buy a copy of that! :-)
