Thursday, March 28, 2013

Advice for Flight, but She Stays

While I emailed my friend about some of my latest updates, she was giving me some motherly advice-the kind of advice which we call tough love. Her advice was a bit of a slap right back into reality.  While I have been focused on making money, I have been distracted by men.  I want to fill this void of lack of support and love from family and friends, which I try to fill it with men..And I am suppose to be smart? Ha

She reminded me about her experiences with Arabic men. While she managed to find one great guy and the rest bad apples, she reminds me of all the dishonesty, games, and lies.  They like to fool you and make things seem hopeful, but then at the end you just end of with a lump of coal. Hence, the what is at the end of the rainbow post?

She now actually sends me SMS messages from Canada telling me to get out of the country. It always makes me laugh and then sometimes I sit and ponder, “Perhaps, she is right.”

     But something makes me stay just a little bit longer......

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