Thursday, March 28, 2013

Put the Ex in Ex-Boyfriend

Perhaps, it is important to emphasize the “Ex” in “Ex-boyfriend.” Of course, there is a reason why a relationship does not work to begin with and acceptance of your differences to move on is important. 

                          Acceptance, Reality, and Let go

With Mr. Casa, we did break up for a reason and our break up lead to good things in my life.  I never sat around and thought that we would get back together, as it clearly had been over for months. Being alone somewhere in the world, you just miss that person mostly as a friend, a partner, and the feeling of happiness they give you.  I know that he is not the one for me, but I just continued to chase around that feeling with him.  When you have a special feeling for someone, this does not just disappear off into thin air.  All the bad things from your relationship fade away and all the good comes to light. The feeling resurfaces and becomes vivid when you are with them.

If women can just focus on ex part then perhaps there would be less attention given to them in our minds.  They are Chapters or sometimes just pages to our actual real life stories.  They can build us up and break us down. They can contribute positively and negatively to our being. They can touch our hearts and break our hearts. But at the end of it all, they were a learning experience and a contribution of memories and words for books and chapters......

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