Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Kids Vs. Punks

In Morocco, there are the children who develop appropriately according to the social norms and values of their culture. They spend time with their friends and family and attend school regularly. They are polite, well-behaved, and go through the normal stages of development. They attend Moroccan schools or French schools and they are "kids" just being "kids" one could say.

On the other hand, you have those kids who are negatively impacted by their environment and/or upbringing. There are a variety of environmental and genetic factors, which lead to a child to be troubled, angry, afraid, confused, and misguided, especially in Morocco. While they are troubled and I have 100 percent awareness into this, they turn out to be those children who challenge authority and purposefully engage in behavior to upset others. They find everything they do funny and teasing others comes as a common everyday behavior.

These children who grow up confused and mislead grow up to be Moroccan punks. They ride around on bikes with black leather jackets and black pants with smug looks on their face. They will cat call at you on the streets and they will follow you when you walk. Their goal is to push your buttons and get a rise out of you and when they do this it makes them feel happy like their mission is accomplished. They do not work or go to school and they just spend all day on the streets. They contribute to the crime in the city engaging in muggings, robbery, and pickpocketing on a daily basis. They just go day by day engaging in a street behavior. They may have grown up in a broken home or they may just be troubled by their environment around them. I can see it in their eyes behind their smug looks that they are confused. My heart does have empathy for them, but they can have a tendency to annoy me, which I can clearly identify with the reason for this. It is sad that these children grow up with such sarcasm, hate for others, lack of regard, and a clear lack of guidance or role-models.
If you were left with little hope or did not have that role model, an organization involved or that someone to tell you everything will be okay. Would you be a good citizen of society? Or would you just wonder the streets engaging in bad behavior crying out to society to be helped and listened to?

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