Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I Don't Know-Je Na Ce Pa

In Morocco, they have a lot of difficulty saying, “I don’t know” because they always want to help you. Mr. NYC Casa is the worst as he cannot say, “I don’t know” rather he will say, “Sure babe” or “No problem.” Actions will go uncompleted because he can not just say “Je Na Ce Pa”

More concrete examples:

The guy spends an hour in your bathroom trying to fix something he does not know how to fix instead of saying, Je Na Ce Pa

The person gives you wrong directions instead of saying Je Na Ce Pa

The person assures you there is no meat in your dish instead of saying Je Na Ce Pa

The taxi driver takes you around and around in circles instead of saying, Je Na Ce Pa
It is all connected to the Code of Honor and the Loyalty that Moroccans have towards others, but in the meantime it gets very annoying and disappointing.  Sometimes there is such a beauty in the beautiful words, “Yes, No, and I don’t know.” If you don’t know, just say so as it is the safer and better option. 

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